Ghostly Times 101

It’s October and Halloween is in the air! Pumpkins and cornstalks, hayrides and Halloween decorations abound. The perfect time of the year for bonfires and ghostly tales. Stores of haunted houses and ghostly sightings arise from our memories likes spirits from the grave, or so it seems. Ahh... ghost stories, full of clanking chains, cold mists, unexplained moans and footsteps proceeded by a pale apparition floating soundlessly through the room. Ghost stories are a wonderful, timeless tradition passed down from generation to generation for everyone of all ages to enjoy.
What are ghosts though? Ghosts are believed to be the spirits of those who have passed away, but did not cross over to the other side. Popular belief holds the main reason spirits stay on Earth is to protect family members, complete unfinished business or they are just afraid of what awaits them in the afterlife.These restless spirits try to get the attention of the living by making noises, moving or taking items, whispering, flickering the lights, anything they can to be noticed. Other ghosts are only memories, a video playing over and over if you will, with no inter-reaction with the living. Depending on the conditions in an area (such as soil, bedrock and type of material used during construction) a repeated action can become embedded in the building or bedrock and the memories replay themselves in real time, making a place appear to be haunted. Prime examples of this can be found in castles, old homes and battlefields. Many ghost stories contain elements of both active spirits and memories being seen and heard by those present at the time, thus creating wonderfully spooky stories to share around the bonfire.
Over the next few weeks, I will be discussing different types of hauntings and ways to determine if you might have paranormal activity occurring in your home or business and what you can do. If you or someone you know is interested in having an investigation conducted, you can send your request to me at, call 731-228-9105 and leave a message or contact me through Facebook at All investigations are strictly confidential.
 If you have any questions, or an experience you would like to share, you can submit them to me through the email address above or a private message to my Facebook page also listed above.